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Weight Management Class (体重身材管理)

课程名称:体重身材管理Weight Management Class (Resistance training)

针对对象:RMT Strive or RAC CEU


本课程共计16个小时,特别为RMT,RAC同学设计,主要考虑到大家的实际工作环境,学习后可以在小的空间和环境进行锻炼,简单方便就可达到强身健体&减肥塑形的目的以便更好的为客户服务, 同时课程所学内容也可以为病人提供锻炼基础指导。课程分两部分进行,第一部分(8小时)主要讲解理论及讲解各个身体部位针对性动作。第二部分则为难度较高的动作,瘦身的效果也更好,除了全身性动作,还有20个动作的进阶版,和使用居家健身器材,并形成一套锻炼计划。每次课程都要进行一个的测试以确保大家掌握学习内容。只要大家能坚持锻炼就一定能达到体重管理的目的!


The first activity - beginner level movements (8 hours)

1. Introduction: The science behind obesity (15min)


2.Recognizing weight bias (15min)


●        少吃,甚至不吃

●        不吃主食,不吃油

●        只做大量有氧运动,例如跑步

●        更多

3.Importance of different type of exercise (15min)


4. Resistance Training Foundations, benefits and bias (15min)

认识阻力训练,如何利用阻力训练减肥? (15分钟)

5. How to warm up properly?/ Rehabilitation training (1hr)


6. Practice two core activation exercises (30min)

两个腰腹核心基础训练,帮后续的健身动作打下良好基础 (30分钟)

7. Learn how to train targeted muscle group? (3hr30min)

如何精准锻炼身体部位? (3小时30分钟)

●        Upper Body: Shoulder, arms, chest and back上身:肩,手臂,胸,背

●        Core: Abdominal area and lower back 核心:腹部和下腰

●        Lower Body: Legs and glutes 下身:腿和臀

8. Review all movements(1 hour)复习(1小时)

9. Exam person by person (1hour)  考试 (1小时)


The Second activity - Advanced level movements with equipments (8 hours)

1.    11 important factors affect weight loss (1hr)


2.    How to increase workout intensity at home? (3hr)


●     Upper Body: Shoulder, arms, chest and back上身:肩,手臂,胸,背

●     Core: Abdominal area and lower back 核心:腹部和下腰

●     Lower Body: Legs and glutes 下身:腿和臀

3.    How to design a weight loss workout program?(1hr)


4.    How to improve posture? (1hr)


5.    Review all movements(1 hour)复习(1小时)

6.    Exam person by person (1hour)  考试 (1小时)


老师介绍 Teacher:

Mary Yang,毕业于滑铁卢大学 ,从2012开始成为一名健身教练,已一对一指导200+位女性成功减肥或塑形,最高减重75斤。2017在多伦多创立了专注于女性健康管理机构maryyourbody💍。



[ACE Personal Trainer 美国运动协会认证私人教练]

[IFPA Functional Anatomy Specialist IFPA认证肌肉骨骼功能解刨专家]

[Precision Nutrition Coach 精准营养协会认证营养教练]

[NASM Women’s Fitness Specialist 美国国家运动医学会认证女性健身专家]

[ACE Pregnancy and Postpartum Exercise Instructor 美国运动协会认证孕期&产后运动专家]



Strive related information:(填写STRIVE所需资料)

Goal: To improve my personal wellness through attending a weight management class,focusing on body weight strength training.


Related to competency 9


Leaning activity 1 :

Attend a class: beginner level movements (workshop)

Completion Date: Jan. 30 2022

Learn type: professional activity


Learning activity 2

Attend a class: Advanced level movements with equipments (workshop)

Completion Date: Feb. 27 2022

Learn type: professional activity


Weight Management & Strength Training benefits (更多相关资料)

Once you reach your 50s and beyond, strength (or resistance) training is critical to preserving the ability to perform the most ordinary activities of daily living — and to maintaining an active and independent lifestyle.


The average 30-year-old will lose about a quarter of his or her muscle strength by age 70 and half of it by age 90. "Just doing aerobic exercise is not adequate," says Dr. Robert Schreiber, physician-in-chief at Hebrew SeniorLife and an instructor in medicine at Harvard Medical School. "Unless you are doing strength training, you will become weaker and less functional."


More information please check the following link:    

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