Myofascial Taping for physical dysfunction and pain of the soft tissue and joints
Myofascial Taping for physical dysfunction and pain of the soft tissue and joints
20204 年运动绷带临床按摩师继续教育课程报名注册细则
Dynamic Kinesiology Taping Integration in Sport massage
(本课程提供8个CEU学分 2小时理论,4小时实操,2小时资料预习和作业,适合按摩师和针灸师)
Part 1 Zoom Online lecture (2 hours)
1.1 运动贴扎应用运动损伤防护的机理
1.2 运动相关短暂性腹痛 (ETAP岔气)
1.3 急性肩袖痉挛损伤 (举重棒球羽网球等投掷挥拍等相关损伤)
1.4 髋突运动损伤(滑雪等冲击运动损伤伤)
Part 2 Practice (4 hours)
2.1 网球肘贴扎
2.2 高尔夫球肘贴扎
2.3 腕管炎的贴扎
2.4 肋间痛的贴扎
2.5 腰骶贴扎
2.6 内膝痛贴扎
2.7 外膝痛贴扎
2.8 四头肌与髌骨相关疼痛贴扎
2.9 小腿腔室症候群(Compartment Syndrome)贴扎
1.《中医循经运动贴扎治疗学 》60加元一册 (原价$90)
2. 所有绷带买二送一
稚嫩皮肤运动绷带和普通运动型绷带 $10 一卷, 低敏高弹运动款 $15 一卷
1. 理论在线课: 2024年1月21日 8:00pm – 10:00pm (2 小时 统一参加)
2. 实操课: 2024年2月4日 1:00pm – 5:00pm
3. 实操课地址:3470 Pharmacy Ave. Scarborough, ON, M1W 2S7 ( Ontario College of Technology)
4. 证书机构名称:Integrative Healing Arts and Technology
5. 费用:$165 (每人免费赠送练习使用运动胶带一卷)
6. 实操课程四人一组,分组练习, 每组赠送运动剪刀一把。
7. 理论课程在一个月之内可以反复多次复听
8. 如果由于特殊原因不能参加2月4日的实操课,我们会在4月7日再安排一次实操课
1. 报名开始时间: 1月 11日。报名截止时间:1月18日。
2. 付款方式:E-transfer money to: and put your certificate name on the note
3. 注册课程:付款后发你的Full Name, Phone Number, Email and the payment proof to:
4. 证书:在实操课后经过老师检查合格即可拿到由老师签字的正式证书
This is five modules workshop of Myofascial Taping for physical dysfunction and pain of the soft tissue
and joints.
Learning Goals:
What is the evidence based researches in the field Myofascial Taping for physical dysfunction and pain
of the soft tissue and joints?
How the source of pain is in persistent pain and what symptoms or objective findings will they present
What are the common characteristics of a patient who needs lengthening or strengthening?
How do you test the passive range of motion of the joints, for example the lumbar spine globally or
How do you apply myofascial taping to the soft tissue or joints?
How do you test the active range of motion of joints after the myofascial taping?
How do you test both subjective and objective myofascial function after the taping?
This course will focus on the therapist’s ability to assess and treat physical dysfunction and pain of the
soft tissue and joints by using myofascial Taping. The techniques learned will help the therapist
understand the evidence based myofascial taping practice in massage therapy. This course focuses on
one special field of dynamic myofascial taping and Kinetic-channels method for physical dysfunction and
pain of the soft tissue and joints. Integrative dynamic myofascial palpation, body mechanics and
functional myofascial channels movement assessment and taping techniques will be discussed,
demonstrated and hand-on practiced. All these approaches can be validated by real cases study within
Course Objectives: Upon the completion of the course, participants should be able to:
1. Develop the skills of assessment of the soft tissue and joints of the body;
2. Maintain the skills of treatment and prevention of physical dysfunction and pain of the soft
tissue and joints;
3. Obtain a set of skills of treating sport injury with integrative taping techniques;
4. Master Kinic-Meridian taping techniques for sport injury recovery and prevention;
5. Understand therapeutic taping techniques for other soft tissue and joints pain.
About the presenter
David Dong Liu, RMT in Ontario, holds a doctoral degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine and
Acupuncture from Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine, a master's degree in Kinesiology from
the University of Texas, and has completed his Psychomotor Behavior Learning courses at York
University. He has been teaching and practicing Tuina Massage, Taichi, Qigong, Acupuncture, and
functional rehabilitation exercises for over 25 years.
In addition to his teaching, David is the author of the book "Dynamic Acupuncture Channels' Taping," co-
author of the textbook "Strategies for Fascial Therapy and Functional Training," and has assisted in the
translation of the award-winning Acupuncture textbook "Clinical TCM Needle Insertion Pathway
Anatomy" and "Illustrations of 14 Meridians Sinews Myofascial Zone."
In his clinical practice, David has been caring for clients with bladder and bowel dysfunction due to
spinal injury for over a decade. He has also provided care as a team therapist to international caliber
figure skaters at national and international competitions. David has numerous academic presentations
and publications in the field of evidence-informed practice of acupuncture, dynamic myofascial taping
and Tuina / Acupressure.
目标从选择到如何完成的一个完整的示范 (红色部分是Strive要求填写的部分)
A: My professional learning goal relates to the Career-span Competency (CSC) or Standard of Practice:
Practice in a manner consistent with current development of the profession
B: Describe additional details about your professional learning goal:
Understand the myofascial taping working principle and learn how to use it in the sport injure
C: learning activity
Professional Activity
Update Last Learning Plan
D: Describe the learning activity and how it helped to achieve this learning goal: (仅为示范,请勿照搬)
1. I attended the theory part studying on Jan. 21 2024 and completed the practice part on Feb. 04, 2024
2. I learn How to apply myofascial taping to the soft tissue or joints and How to test the active range of motion of joints after the myofascial taping
3. The Theory and Practice combined studying help me fully understand it working principle and hand on experience at the same time, fully achieved my goal
4. I applied the Myofascial Taping in my practice and got a good result from the patients
Share a brief description of the continuing professional development that you engaged in towards this goal over the last year, which may include:
More about the learning activity;
What you learned;
How it helped to achieve your professional learning goal; and/or
What impact the learning may have on your practise)