足底按摩如今在世界范围内广泛流传。可以作为RMT的Modality之一。足底反射在中国古代就有,一个健康的人按摩双足30分钟,其全身血液的流量增加女性为10-13倍,男性为13-18倍,因此足底按摩可促进血液循环,促进新陈代谢,消除疲劳,改善睡眠,养生美容,养脑护脑,减轻疼痛,使整个身心得到进放松,现在保险公司对需要做足底按摩的RMT提出证书要求,所以我们特别开设了这个课程。 我们特别请到加拿大若石(足疗)协会会长 以及加拿大足疗协会讲师Theresa给我们上课,课程采取理论和实践相结合,传授特别的足底反射区诊断技术,按摩治疗手法和容易掌握的技巧方式,使每位参与课程的同学能做到让顾客拥有良好体验,同时不损伤自己的身体!
理论课 +实操课: 2024年11月9日 10:30am-5:00pm
上课地址:Unit 10 165 East Beaver Creek Road, Richmond Hill ON L4B 2N2
3. 发证机构:RWO-SHR Health Institute International
5. 费用:$180
课程内容:(6小时)+ 自习2小时
1. 快速了解足部解剖构造,关键的骨骼,关节,韧带
2. 轻松找到足疗中重要位置,arches,tibialis,fibularis,achilles tendon.
3. 足疗解密神秘的特效反射区 reflexology zone
4. 足疗新方式,中医整骨和osteopathy的结合
1. 学习足底按摩的诊断预防技术
2. 12种基本手法演示和训练
3. 整个若石石健康法足疗的流程演示
4. 治疗案例:足底筋膜炎,运动损伤,常见头痛,失眠压力治疗的演示及训练
Theresa Yang 安省註冊按摩师,中医师,芳療师,国际若石健康研究会安省分会会長(1992年至今), 加拿大反射協會Reflexology Association of Canada足療教讲师,
Theresa Yang 是一位理论与实務兼備的訓練师,她的中醫及針灸的背景,加上數十年的加拿大的經騐累積,使她的足療按摩法更富含底蘊。
CMTO STRIVE Information
My professional learning goal relates to the Career-span Competency (CSC) or Standard of Practice:
Practice in a manner consistent with current development of the profession
Describe additional details about your professional learning goal:
learning activity
Professional Activity
Foot Reflexology Certificate Course
According to insurance company’s policy, they are now requiring certificates for RMT who want to provide foot reflexology to clients. This special course to help RMT to finish the complete foot reflexology training and to be qualifies for that requirement. Foot Reflexology has existed in ancient China. Study shows Foot Reflexology can increase the blood flow throughout. A 30 minutes session will increase 10-13 times for women and 13-18 times for men. It uses precise manipulation of mapped pressure points in an attempt to stimulate health effects in other parts of the body to improve sleep, maintain health and beauty nourish and protect the brain, relieve pain, and relax the whole body and mind.
Course content: (2 hours of online course, 4 hours of practical class)
Theoretical part
1. Quickly understand the briefly anatomy of the foot, key bones, joints, and ligaments
2. Easily find the outline area, such as: Arches, Tibialis, Fibularis, and Achilles tendon.
3. Foot reflexology zone with special effects
4. A new way of foot massage, a combination of traditional Chinese Tuina-Osteo and osteopathy
Practical part
1. Basic massage technique demonstration and training
2. Demonstration and training of special techniques
3. Completely procedure of foot massages demonstration and training
4. Demonstration and training of treatment plan to common symptoms such as plantar fasciitis, sports injuries, common headaches, and insomnia