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Pain Syndrome Relief Workshop

本课程主要针对持300个小时针灸证书的RMT和新毕业的RAC,对大家日常工作中碰到的各种痛症进行全面的治疗训练,本课程由刘东博士主持,针对全身的各种痛症治疗进行实操治疗和康复训练,课程少理论侧重实操训练,刘博士会结合自己多年来的实践经验针对一个具体症状做全方位的治疗训练:(  1. 患病位置的的解剖结构及神经控制  2. 如何准确取穴,如何安全进针  3. 常用的经验及特效穴位组合     4. 实际操作训练  5. 如何结合按摩进行联合治疗  6. 指导病人进行何种拉伸和康复锻炼 7. 大家遇到的实际棘手病例讨论和实践),目的使大家能得到一个全方位的锻炼,参加课程之后能更有效的为病人提供服务!

Practical Training of Acupuncture Treatment for Pain on lower back(2024年 课时8小时)
课程时间:理论课:2024年8月9日 (8pm to 10pm)
                      实操课:     2024年8月10日 (9:30am to 5:00pm)

CMTO STRiVE Career-Span Competencies
Work within areas of personal knowledge and skills
Practice in a manner consistent with current developments in the profession


Learn how to accurately locate acupuncture points, how to safely insert needles, common experiences and special combinations of acupoints, learn how to perform these techniques, also learn some practical massage techniques in the course, so that participants can more effectively provide services to patients after attending the course!

Learning Activity Type

Continuing Education or Professional Activity (选其一)


Practical Training of Acupuncture Treatment for lower back(2024年 课时8小时)
1 背肌筋膜炎 Myofascitis of the Back
2 腰部扭挫伤 Acute Lumbar Sprain
3 腰肌劳损 Lumbar Muscle Strain
4 腰椎间盘突出症 Prolapse of Lumbar Inter-vertebral Disc
5 退行性脊柱炎 Degenerative Spondylitis

Practical Training of Acupuncture Treatment for Pain on Head, Neck and Upper Limbs (2025年 课时8小时)
1 颞頜关节功能障碍 Temporomandibular Joint Dysfuntion
2 落枕 Strained Neck
3 颈椎病 Cervical Spondylosis
4 肩关节周围炎 Frozen Shoulder
5 肱骨外上髁炎 Tennis Elbow
6 腕管综合征 Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
7 腕关节扭挫伤 Sprained Wrist
8 腱鞘囊肿 Ganglionic Cyst

Practical Training of Acupuncture Treatment for Pain on Lower Limbs (2026年 课时8小时)
1 梨状肌综合征 Pyriformis Syndrome
2 髂胫束损伤 Iliotibial Tract Injury
3 膝关节侧副韧带损伤 Knee Joint Collateral Ligament Injury
4 半月板损伤 Meniscal Injury
5 踝关节扭挫伤 Sprained Ankle
6 跟腱损伤 Achilles Tendon Injury
7 跟痛症 Calcaneodynia

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