科学冥想课程 / Meditation Course
科学冥想课程 / Meditation Course
课程介绍 / Course Introduction
Welcome to our Meditation Course! In this 8-hour course, we will guide you through the history, types, and modern applications of meditation. By learning various techniques such as mindfulness meditation, focused meditation, and guided breathing meditation, you will gain skills to enhance your mental and physical well-being. This course also explores the scientific foundation of meditation, helping you understand its benefits for sleep, digestive health, and more. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced meditator, this course offers valuable knowledge and practical skills to make meditation a part of your daily life. Sign up now to start your inner journey and discover the peace and power of your mind!
课程内容 / Course Content
关于冥想 Theory & Foundation (5hr)
冥想的历史 / The History of Meditation
冥想的起源与发展 / Origins and development of meditation
不同文化中的冥想传统 / Meditation traditions in different cultures
冥想的种类 / Types of Meditation
各种冥想技术的概述 / Overview of various meditation techniques
每种冥想的特点与用途 / Characteristics and uses of each type
正念冥想 / Mindfulness Meditation
什么是正念冥想 / What is mindfulness meditation
正念冥想的基本练习 / Basic practices of mindfulness meditation
集中冥想 / Focused Meditation
集中冥想的原理与方法 / Principles and methods of focused meditation
常用集中冥想技巧 / Common focused meditation techniques
呼吸引导冥想 / Guided Breathing Meditation
呼吸引导冥想的步骤与技巧 / Steps and techniques of guided breathing meditation
呼吸冥想的好处 / Benefits of breathing meditation
动态冥想 / Dynamic Meditation
动态冥想的概念 / Concept of dynamic meditation
适合的动态冥想练习 / Suitable dynamic meditation exercises
冥想的科学基础和好处 / Scientific Basis and Benefits of Meditation
冥想对大脑和身体的影响 / Effects of meditation on the brain and body
冥想的科学研究成果 / Scientific research findings on meditation
冥想和心理学 / Meditation and Psychology
冥想如何改善心理健康 / How meditation improves mental health
冥想在心理治疗中的应用 / Applications of meditation in psychotherapy
冥想在日常生活中的应用 / Applying Meditation in Daily Life
如何将冥想融入日常生活 / How to incorporate meditation into daily life
实用的冥想技巧与建议 / Practical meditation tips and advice
冥想改善健康- 睡眠 / Meditation for Better Sleep
冥想对睡眠质量的影响 / Effects of meditation on sleep quality
有助于睡眠的冥想练习 / Meditation practices that aid sleep
冥想改善健康- 消化系统 / Meditation for Digestive Health
冥想对消化系统的好处 / Benefits of meditation for the digestive system
支持消化健康的冥想技巧 / Meditation techniques to support digestive health
冥想的目标与误区 / Goals and Misconceptions of Meditation
冥想的常见目标 / Common goals of meditation
冥想的常见误区与纠正 / Common misconceptions and corrections
常见问题 / Common Questions
冥想时总是分心怎么办? / What to do if you always get distracted during meditation?
冥想时需要完全安静的环境吗? / Do you need a completely quiet environment to meditate?
冥想需要每天练习吗? / Do you need to practice meditation every day?
将冥想融入RMT按摩服务 / Integrating Meditation into RMT Massage Services
RMT按摩中的冥想技术 / Meditation techniques in RMT massage
冥想如何增强RMT按摩效果 / How meditation enhances RMT massage benefits
冥想在RMT中的实际应用场景 / Practical Applications of Meditation in RMT
实际应用示例 / Practical application examples
客户案例分享 / Client case studies
实操 / Meditation Practical Training (2hr)
考试 Exam person by person (1hr)
开课时间:6月22号 Sunday /Course will run in June
费用:$180 左右
● 指导过300+女性私教学员 1000+团课学员
● 2020多伦多华裔小姐冠军御用私教
● Lululemon & Alo品牌大使
● 12年健身行业教学经验
● 成功减重40lb并维持
● 经历过暴食症和抑郁症通过冥想/健身/饮食调理修复身心
● ACE美国运动协会认证私人教练
● ACE美国运动协会认证体重管理专家
● ACE美国运动协会认证功能性训练专家
● ACE美国运动协会孕期和产后运动指导师
● NASM美国国家运动医学认证女性健身专家
● PN美国精准营养学认证营养师
● RYT全美瑜伽联盟200hr培训认证
● PMA美国普拉提联盟认证普拉提导师
By completing this course, you will master various meditation techniques and understand their scientific basis and practical applications. Whether you aim to reduce stress, improve health, or enhance inner peace and focus, this course will provide you with effective guidance and support. Sign up now and embark on
CMTO STRIVE Information
My professional learning goal relates to the Career-span Competency (CSC) or Standard of Practice:
Practice in a manner consistent with current development of the profession
Describe additional details about your professional learning goal:
To learn Meditation and improve personal health and use it as a modality of massage
learning activity
Continue Education
Any question please give me a call at: 4168365429 Kirk