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The most cost-effective acupuncture practitioner and RMT acupuncture certificate courses in Toronto

                                                                                         School and Course Highlights

  1. Institution: Royal North American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine                                                                 

  2. Long History: The school has over 20 years of experience in education.

  3. Strong Faculty Team: All teaching staff hold master's or doctoral degrees from top Chinese medical universities and have extensive clinical and teaching experience.

  4. Flexible Course Structure: A combination of online network courses and offline practical courses allows participants to complete some coursework in their spare time.

  5. High Pass Rate: Free participation in weekly question bank training and exam tutoring sessions, with an average pass rate of over 93% in the past three years and a pass rate of 97% last year.

  6. High Cost Performance:

  • Group courses for RMT 300-hour acupuncture certification can be as low as $2000 per person.

  • Group discounts for acupuncture practitioner training courses can be as low as $13500 per person (including a maximum subsidy of $1000 from this group).

  • Students from the acupuncture practitioner class who transfer to the Traditional Chinese Medicine class only need to pay an additional tuition fee of $2000

   7. Convenient Class Location: Near 404, Unit 311, 3601 Victoria Park Ave, Scarborough M1W 3Y3.

   8. Emphasis on Practical Training: The school regularly schedules clinical skills training courses directly guided by teachers with 30              years of clinical experience. During the course, participants can attend multiple times. Additionally, the school has clinics available          for internships, providing opportunities for practical experience.

Course Schedule for 2024

RMT Acupuncture 300-Hour Certificate Course

  • Start Date: September 15th

  • Class Schedule: 250 hours of theory online, 50 hours of practical sessions

  • Tuition Fee: $2800/person (special price for our group: 3 person under $2700, 3 above $2600 , 10 above $2300/person for more than 10 people)

  • Course Features: Flexible options for theory classes online and offline, specially designed practical sessions tailored to the needs of RMTs, practical exercises focusing on treating musculoskeletal pain, classic and empirical acupoint combinations for treating various common ailments, achieving practical application.


Acupuncturist Diploma Course

  1. Start Date: Middle of September

  2. Course Schedule: Flexible options for theory classes online and offline, maximizing the use of spare time, in-person participation required for subject exams, clinical skills, and pre-exam tutoring.

  3. Tuition Fee: Normal tuition is $15000, one-time payment $14500, maximum subsidy of $1000 available from this group.

  4. Course Features: Flexible teaching methods, classes offered in Chinese/English for easy understanding and high efficiency, the option to choose English or Chinese for professional exams, high pass rates.


Group Registration Method:

(Group count period is two months before and after the start date) Send your name and phone number to: 416-8365429 Kirk or add me on WeChat: ds1706, I will arrange for the school to contact you for registration. Only students registered through me can enjoy special discounts for RMT acupuncture certificates and special subsidies for acupuncturist courses (up to $1000).

  • To thank everyone for years of support, we are launching a special subsidy plan for this group, hoping to further reduce the burden of tuition fees for everyone.

  • I will monitor and receive feedback throughout the course to ensure that students who want to learn can learn real knowledge and not waste any tuition fees.

  • Acupuncturist courses and RMT certificate courses are open to everyone (including those with zero experience who want to learn acupuncture licensing). Please forward this information to those in need. Thank you!


We will have a online enrollment information seminar later, please pay attention to the notifications I send in the group! If you have any questions, you can call me at 4168365429 Kirk.





  1. 学院:皇家北美中医学院

  2. 历史悠久:学校有超过20年的办学资历。

  3. 师资团队强大:所有执教老师具有中国一流中医大学硕士或博士学位,具有丰富的临床和教学经验。

  4. 课程极具灵活性:线上网络课程和线下实践课程相结合,大家可以在业余时间完成部分学业。

  5. 考牌通过率高:免费参加每周一次的题库训练和考试辅导班,过去三年的平均通过率超过93%,去年的通过率为97%。

  6. 学费性价比高:  RMT 300个小时针灸证书团体课程  低可达到 $2000/每人   //    针灸师培训课程团体优惠最低可达$13500/每人 (包含本群特别资助最高$1000)//   本校学生由针灸师班转中医师班,仅须补学费$2000。

  7. 上课地址便利: 邻近404,Unit 311, 3601 Victoria Park Ave, Scarborough  M1W 3Y3

  8. 注重实操训练:学校定期安排有临床技能训练课,由具30年临床经验的老师直接指导,在读期间大家可以多次参加。另外,学校有可供实习的诊所,可以提供给大家实践的机会。




  • 开课日期:9月15日

  • 课时安排:理论课线上250小时,实操课50小时

  • 学费:$2800/人 (只对我们群的特价: 3人以下 $2700, 3人以上 $2600, 10人及以上$2300)

  • 课程特色:理论课线上线下灵活选择,实操课程针对RMT的需求特殊设计,实操练习针对全身肌肉关节痛的治疗练习,经典及经验穴位组合治疗各种常见痛症,真正达到学以致用的目的。



  1. 开课日期:9月15日 (可以先拿300小时证书,之后继续完成针灸师课程)

  2. 课程安排:理论课线上线下灵活选择,最大限度利用大家的空余时间完成课程,科目考试、临床技能及考前辅导,必须线下参加

  3. 学费:正常学费为$15000,一次性付清 $14500,本群资助最高可达$1000

  4. 课程特色:上课方式灵活,中文/英文授课,易理解、效率高,执业考试可以选择英文考试或者中文考试,考试通过率高。


发你的名字和电话到:416-8365429 Kirk 或者加我微信:ds1706, 我会安排学校联系你安排注册事宜,只有通过我报名的同学才能享受RMT针灸证书的特殊优惠及针灸师课程的本群特别资助(最高达$1000)

  • 为了感谢大家多年以来的支持,我们特别推出本群特殊资助方案,希望能进一步减轻大家的学费负担

  • 本次课程我会全程跟踪接受大家学习中的反馈,确保想学习的同学能学到真东西,不浪费大家所化的每一块学费

  • ​针灸师课程和RMT证书课程对所有人开放 (包括零基础想学习针灸师牌照的),请大家把此信息转发给需要的人, 谢谢!

  • 我们后面会招生说明会,请各位留意我在群里发的通知!有任何问题可以给我电话:4168365429 Kirk

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